Key Points

Some key points worth remembering.



The team must be able to work as a group together. To work together, the players have to be able to talk and listen.

  • tell teamates what is happening on the field
  • help direct the player with the ball to an open teammate
  • communicate about the strength and weaknesses of the other team
 Remember that listening is as important as talking. Pay attention to what your teammate is saying.

Clear and brief directions works best.

Make sure not all players are talking at the same time! Imagine you are running with the ball and you hear your name called from left, right and center... Where do you go?

Examples of simple words or codes to use:
  • "Man on": a defender is very close
  • "Back": send the ball back to me
  • "Go Right, Go left": direct the player with the ball to his best choice of direction
  • "Cross": directs the player wt the ball to pass or kick the ball into the center of the opposing goalie area
  • "Switch sides, or Switch left/Switch right": direct the player to pass the ball all the way to the other side of the field
  • "Clear": send the ball out to the field immediately
  • "Time": you have plenty of time, no defenders near you
  • "Down the line": pass the ball down the sideline

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